remarked at the start of the meeting that so far this year they had not seen Swallows or heard Willow Warblers. Very soon however all were able to see a Swallow and hear many Willow Warblers. In addition, Chiff Chaffs in various parts of the Park were heard and seen. One particular Chiff Chaff was singing from the top of a Larch tree, and the ending of its song was quite abnormal, with a ten- dency towards a very short warble. Wood Anemonies, Lesser Celandines, Primroses and Cherry Trees were all seen to be at their best. A few specimens of Ruscus aculeatus - Butchers Broom - were noticed. A number of Peacock butterflies and a single Brimstone were seen in the morning. Other migrants noted were Tree Pipit and Black Cap. Probably the commonest birds seen and heard in most parts of the woodlands were Coal, Great and Blue Tit. At times their various calls were quite confusing. During the afternoon one group watched Nuthatches singing and displaying to one another, and nearby a Tree Creeper was seen, both these birds being found where there are some old trees for nesting sites and insect food. At the end of the meeting 33 birds had been either seen or heard. This was a good number for what had been a very enjoyable and successful meeting. M. T. PARKER Birds of Epping Lower Forest - 7th May 1978 After one of the wettest May weeks for a number of years, 38 Members and friends