25. Nightingales at Mill Green - 21st May 1978 Over 40 members and friends attended this meeting, the majority of whom also attended the Annual General Meeting of the Ornithology Group. Members assembled on the land opposite the Viper P.H. at 11 o'clock because the Green on the Common has now been ploughed up for a cricket pitch. A great pity as it was the habitat of Adders, Willow Warblers and Tree Pipits, and has always provided a suitable lunch site for previous meetings. In the morning three groups worked on the Common to the east of the ploughed up area and were rewarded with the songs of Black Cap, Garden Warbler, Green Woodpecker and a considerable number of Willow Warblers. These Willow Warblers seemed to be everywhere! It was overcast and not too pleasant, but at the same time dry. After lunch the whole group walked through the woods to another area not visited in past years. One group noticed Deer tracks and stood by a ditch and all heard a Nightingale. One other group also located another Nightingale in the same area so we were rewarded for our efforts. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen on the ground in this wood. Other birds of note recorded were nearly all the Finches, Redpolls, Robins and Wrens. It was noted that no White Throats or Tree Pipits were seen or heard. Had these been recorded our total (35) would have been higher than last year. M. T. PARKER