26. Epping Forest Centenary Symposium 20-21st May 1978 About 50 persons attended all or part of this two day Symposium at the Epping Forest Conservation Centre at High Beech. Papers were read on the Forest's natural history and land use, most of which are being published in two special volumes of the Essex Naturalist. On the first day, Oliver Rackham's paper on the land use history was enthralling and for the first time the Forest's lovely pollar- ded hornbeams were put into historical perpective. The Epping Forest Act 1878, which this symposium commemorated, and its provisions relating to Nature Conservation, was reviewed by Colin Ranson who contrasted the appearance of the Forest today with the probably inten- tions of the Act's original draftors. Other papers covered most aspects of the Forest's Natural history. The Symposium closed after a general discussion when concern was expressed that the Forest Authorities were not putting sufficient emphasis on nature conservation, even though the 100 year old Act made it their duty to protect the pollards and underwood, amongst other things. Probably more important, is it not time a full time ecologist joined their staff? The Symposium was well organised by Paul Moxey and his Conservation Centre staff but what a pity the event was not more advertised. The papers merited better audiences and may be the Conservators would have come to hear them all! BOB COWLIN ---oOo---