27. Curtis Mill Green - 11th June 1978 44 members and friends attended on a beautifully sunny day. During the morning the party walked along the edge of the wood- land and also explored the more open areas to the south of the main wood. Everyone was able to hear a Garden Warbler in full song, and nearby a Blackcap sang so that a comparison of song was possible. We were also lucky in seeing a Cuckoo and hearing the female's "bubbling call", very often overlooked, or even not heard. In the afternoon the whole wood was circled on the outside. It was noticed that there were few warblers singing. However, we were able to see and hear Tree Sparrows, a Reed Bunting and numerous Yellow Hammers. By the end, some 31 birds had either been seen or heard. M. T. PARKER Dawn Deer Watch - 18th June 1978 13 brave members and friends met at 4.30 am at Saffron Walden hoping to see some of the four species of deer living in the locality. The party split into three groups and departed to different woods within five miles of the town. The group which went to High Wood, Wenden Lofts, had four separate sightings of single fallow does. The watchers in Rowney Wood, Debden, had a total of 10 muntjac sightings although some of these were probably the same animals seen twice. At the Bendysh Woods, Radwinter, one watcher in a high seat had the