28. thrill of seeing two Red hinds, both with calves, walking down the ride towards him. By 8.30 am most people welcomed a cup of coffee to revive them for a discussion of the results and the journey home. B. D. EASTCOTT General Meeting 1252. Birds of Danbury Common - 23rd July 1978 Over 40 members and friends attended this meeting, held on a dull overcast and, at times, windy day. Two groups were formed and by lunch time both groups had seen Linnets, Coal Tits, Yellow Hammers and heard the Common Whitethroat. Most of these birds were seen in the region of the Common which had been accidentally burnt at the beginning of April. Two Blackcaps were heard in full song. Some time was spent in an attempt to locate the birds but we were unlucky. Willow Warblers or Chiff Chaffs were seen, but as the birds were not singing it was difficult to make a definite decision. Botannical records: Hypericum pulchrum, Beautiful St. John's Wort, a species whose sepals and petals are edged with black glands, Ranunculus flammula - Lesser Spearwort - was seen in damper parts. We noticed in various parts there was regeneration of heathers, gorse and various trees taking place. A numbers of different fungi were noticed in- cluding Paxillus involutus, Amanita rubescens, Amanita fulva, Russula sp. (at least three different species).It would appear that there will be a very good crop of the larger Fungi this year.