29. The meeting ended about 3 pm when rain threatened. We had seen 25 species of birds. M. T. PARKER Moth Collecting at Night - 8th July 1978 In spite of heavy rain nine intrepid souls turned up to the meeting at Langdon Hills at 9.45 pm. Using a Heath Trap pro- vided by Clive and Sonia Harding we decided to try our luck in nearby Coombe Wood and set up the trap on a path where it was fairly sheltered from the rain. Armed with torches we set off through the woodland paths in search of insects. In fact we saw very few moths but did notice Oak Bush Crickets, Woodlice, Hunting Spiders and Crane-flies. We returned to the Heath Trap at about 11.30 pm and carefully looked inside. There were several Mottled Beauties, a Hart and Dart, Double Square Spot, Light Emerald, Riband Wave, Brimstone and Barred Straw moths. All fairly common so I allowed a couple of young collec- tors to keep one or two specimens. We packed up at 11.45 just as the rain stopped. We hope to have another meeting next year under dryer conditions! BOB TOMLINSON ---oOo--- THE SYCAMORE FRUIT It is like a tadpole, it feels like a very rough crisp with a peanut head. by PETER C, a school boy from Walthamstow.