30. NATURE IN NORTH-EAST ESSEX The 56 page Silver Jubilee Issue of the Journal of the Colchester Natural History Soc., edited by Jeremy Heath of the Colchester and Essex Museum, and available from him, contains a wide variety of articles on local wildlife etc. Early sections are devoted to species accounts of Baird's Sandpiper, the White Admiral and the Juniper Shield Bug. There are also bird reports and district accounts of the Marks Tey Brickpits, the Hilly Fields and Fingringhoe Wick. There is also a section on Dr Henry Laver, the noted local naturalist, and an account of the setting up of the Roman River Conservation Area. RON ALLEN WRITTLE NATURE DAY In place of its annual arts festival the Writtle Guild of Arts decided to hold a Nature Day. The Club Sec. was asked for guidance and before long car loads of stuffed animals were being transferred from the Chelmsford and Essex Museum to people's houses ready for making up into a display at Writtle Christian Centre on Saturday 24th June. By 11.00 all was ready at the centre but meanwhile leaders were taking some 54 members of the Writtle Public on nature rambles round Hylands Park. We must thank Peter and Mary Snape of the Writtle Guild of Arts for their initiative, Jill McCauley and David Jones for arranging loan of Museum specimens and not least all those Field Club members who brought along their expertise. RON ALLEN ---oOo---