ESSEX FIELD CLUB PUBLICATIONS LIST 1970 ESSEX NATURALIST SERIES (ISSN 0071-1489) Each volume covers one aspect of natural history, geology or conservation in Essex. A uniform series of A5 size paperbacks with attractive cover illustrations; each volume is written by experts and fully illustrated with photographs, maps and line drawings. 1. DEER OF ESSEX by Dr Donald Chapman For fourteen years Donald Chapman ran the Essex Deer Survey in co-operation with the Essex Field Club and Essex Naturalists' Trust. The fascinating results of this most detailed survey of deer distribution in any British county are included in Deer of Essex. Happily the survey shows that deer can co-exist with man: deer numbers are increasing and four species now breed in Essex compared with only one species fifty years ago. Published 1977 ISBN 0 905637 06 2 50 pages Price £1.00 2. EPPING FOREST - the natural aspect? edited by Dr David Corke In 1878 the Epping Forest Act charged the Forest Conservators with the preservation of the 'natural aspects of the Forest'. This volume presents a summary of the soils and geological deposits, on which the old Forest of Essex developed as the primaeval wildwood, and of how man's use of the Forest changed it over the centuries until it came under the management of the Corporation of the City of London. It also shows how the management decisions taken by the Forest Conservators have led to a serious loss of natural diversity. Recommendations are made as to how the Forest management could be improved. Published 197B ISBN 0 905637 07 0 79 pages Price £1.50 3. TIPTREE HEATH - its history and conservation by Laurie Forsyth The author is organiser of the voluntary conservation group which has been largely responsible for the management of this important Essex Heath. An account of the prize winning conservation work is included, together with a fascinating history and natural history of the heath. To be published September 1978 ISBN 0 905637 08 9 about 16 pages approx. price 60 p. 4. WILDLIFE OF EPPING FOREST edited by Dr David Corke A review of the changes in the Forest's animal life, especially over the last century. Detailed sections cover the birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, beetles, butterflies and moths. A companion to volume 2, together they form an important record of the Forest in its centenary year. To be published in December 1978 ISBN 0 905637 09 7 about 80 pages approx. price £1.50