6. the endoperidium is dark with darker spines and so far recorded only from the Danbury area. Lycoperdon pyriforme is the only Lycoperdon that grows directly on wood to which it is attached by long white mycelial cords. The exoperidium con- sists of warts which easily rub off and it is one of our commonest woodland Puffballs. Two rarer Lycoperdon species are L. molle and L. echinatum both with a purple- chocolate gleba when mature. The former soon loses its spines leaving the shiny endoperidium while the latter bears very long conspicuous spines, giving it a real "hedgehog" appearance. The small L. spadiceum may also occur in Essex. It is a puffball of open ground with no distinct spines and a shiny yellowish endoperi- dium. In VASCELLUM the gleba and subgleba are sharply separated by a definite diaphragm. The small V. pratense is common among grass. It has a rather top—shaped appearance and dries to a pinkish-cream colour. Closely related to the puffballs, and still included in the survey are the Earth-balls, SCLERODERMA species. S. citrinum;is the common one in Essex,