10. afterwards and perhaps keep a copy in the museum. The collections of specimens and records owe a lot to such generous actions, ---oOo--- BOTANICAL SURVEY OF ESSEX WOODLANDS Since 1976 some 200 copies of the 43 page booklet "Botanical Recording in Essex" have been circulated with a questionnaire designed to find out what sort of recording is most popular. Some 60 copies were returned together with a considerable volume of records. On the question of willingness to participate in a detailed botanical survey of the county on a "tetrad" basis (2 x 2 km sq) some 20 recorders said they were prepared to have a go providing help was given with critical groups. With over 1000 "tetrads" in the county such a scheme would however be a massive undertaking to tackle all at once. At its AGM the EFG Botany Group therefore decided against a tetrad scheme as such and instead to carry out detailed botanical surveys of habitat types. To start it is proposed to survey every piece of woodland in the county over a 3 to 4 year period. Woodland was chosen as it is a habitat clearly marked on OS maps, has relatively few species to master for beginners, and occupies only 3% of the area. Anyone interested in either participating or offering advice on the project is invited to contact me. A meeting will be held in May to thrash out the details of the programme. KEN ADAMS EFC Flowering Plant Recorder