19. WILDLIFE DISPLAY AT HORNCHURCH 16th & 17th September, 1978 Invited by the London Borough of Havering Recreation Department, the Club put on a display at the Traction Engine Rally at Breton's Field, Rainham Road, Hornchurch. Organized at short notice the event was nevertheless a success, credit being due mainly to the unstinted efforts of Mary Grainger, Tom Aylward and of course Ron Allen, who I am sure must have spent a large part of the weekend there. Other helpers were Frank Smith, Alan Bunker, Andrew Barrow, Bob Turner, Ted Day, Caroline Grainger, Mr & Mrs Ford and son Andrew and Dennis Brown. A lot of interest was centered, as usual, on the stuffed animals on loan from Chelmsford Museum. Many esoteric questions were put to members such as "How do you tell a Stoat from a Weasel?". More space being available than usual, the geology display was greatly improved and enlarged with minerals and fossils being lent by members. Another attraction was a layout of wild berries giving an autumnal touch. Included in these were Bryony, Bittersweet, Elder, Bramble, Cornus and many others. There was a sale of wildlife goods on behalf of the Essex Naturalists' Trust towards purchasing nature reserves in Essex. This raised about £70. It would be nice to see more members helping at future shows if only for an hour or so. ---oOo---