20. ROACH VALLEY CONSERVATION ZONE In the south east of the county the Roach Valley has been designated by Rochford District Council as a conservation zone. The object is nature conservation, aiming at the protection of flora, fauna and the landscape generally, and the co-ordination of all land uses such as farming and recreation to further this objective. The enthusiastic support given by the planning officers and committee involved is particularly encouraging. The zone takes in two distinct areas: the valley that lies south of Hockley Woods, extending from Rayleigh town to Southend Airport, and the area east of Rochford extending to Ashingdon Church and Canewdon on the north, Barling and Little Wakering to the south and taking in the Foulness group of islands. The boundaries are by no means rigid and could be extended in the future. The zone is a fine concept for an area that has had more than its share of problems in the past. South Essex Natural History Soc. have already produced a basic report. They are now embarking on a much more thorough survey with a view to identifying the better habitats. Field meetings are held on the 1st Sunday of each month, starting at 10.00 from the car park of the Central Library, Victoria Avenue, Southend. The organisers would be glad to receive any records or information that may be available or to hear from any members of the EFC who would like to help. Records should be sent to John Skinner who runs the Biological Records Centre at Southend Museum, Victoria Avenue, Southend. Enquiries to Miss Joyce MacConnell, 17 Canonsleigh Crescent, Leigh. (Southend 712248)