21. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Mr. Allen, Thank you for the time you gave to talk to me at the recent Steam Rally at Bretons. If you remember, I told you of the strange behaviour of magpies in Rise Park on two successive years. We have a "resident" pair of magpies who nest in a coppice near Rise Park and who appear regularly in the trees at the bottom of our garden. On one day in mid February 1977 there were nine magpies flying about, chattering and generally making a commotion and settling occasionally in one Oak tree. The next day we were back to "our" two. Exactly the same thing happened on one day, mid February 1978 but this time there were more - 14. I intend to keep a good watch this year but would like to know if the other birds are "family" and why they congregate on one day in the year and who calls the meeting?! Yours sincerely, GILLIAN WEEDON (Mrs) ---oOo--- ESSEX NATURALIST FOR SALE John Oxenham of 472 Upper Brentwood Road, Gidea Park, Romford RM2 6JB, writes to say he was most interested to read in the last Bulletin about sales of old copies of the "Essex Naturalist". After 27 years of collecting he says he has a complete bound set, including the early "Proceedings and Transactions", Now, nearing 80 and with a family not interested, he wonders whether any