22. member wants to buy his collection. He says using our figures the set must be worth £243 including binding costs! Any members interested in a good investment please contact Mr. Oxenham. ---oOo--- GEOFFREY DENT, M.C. Members will be more than sorry to hear of the death of one of their oldest members on 3rd August 1978. Geoffrey Dent joined the Field Club in 1921. He was a very loyal, long serving and, at one time, a very active member of our Club. He made many observations both of Ornithological and Mammalian interest. He had been an RSPB Council member and was awarded their Gold Medal for his business knowledge and wise advice to that Society. I had the good fortune in July 1974 to visit Geoffrey Dent at his home, Ribston Hall, near Wetherby, Yorkshire (see Vol.12 Spring 1975). He shewed my wife and I around his magnificent house and grounds. He made us very welcome and was most friendly to us both — a visit that both of us will not forget. During this visit he shewed us some of his bird drawings, these indicated he had a keen eye for birds and all aspects of natural history. The Field Club has lost a most respected and, during his time, a very influential member. M. T. PARKER ---oOo---