2k. past, and as such it is enjoyable (it will make a very good gift). What it doesn't do is take us deeply enough into the subject. It leaves too much unsaid. ELAINE CORKE ---oOo--- REPORTS OF CLUB MEETINGS GENERAL MEETING No. 1254. GOLDHANGER - 17th September 1978 Sixty members attended this meeting on what was to be a warm, very sunny September day. The large group assembled on the sea wall at about 11.15 as the tide was coming in. It was to be a very high tide at about 1.30 pm which was unfortunate. A walk was made towards Tollesbury in the glorious sunshine and we were soon able to see in flight many Swallows, House Martins and Sand Martins. In a field near the sea wall a large flock of waders was noticed. We were unable to identify them, but as soon as they were disturbed and in flight, word went around - Turnstone, Dunlin or Ring Plover - their definite identification came later as we proceeded on our walk, a number gave the recognisable call and most were in fact Turnstone. Lunch was taken as high tide came up and this was followed by a further walk for about half an hour. The group sat on the sea wall and noticed one or two waders coming in to a very small shingle stretch. We were soon rewarded with good views of Sanderling, three Little Stints, Ring Plover and a number of