25. Turnstone. In the water nearby five Great Crested Grebe were noticed. On our way back, as the tide receded, Turnstone and Ring Plover took up their stations on the exposed shingle bank nearby, and we were also able to distinguish various Gulls which included Greater and Lesser Black Backs. On some fencing posts dividing two ploughed fields quite a number of Wheatears were seen. On arrival back at the village, still in brilliant sunshine, a count was made of the birds seen and heard. The total was 31 - a good total in view of the fact that the tide was such a high one and had not receded far enough for good sightings. M. T. PARKER ---oOo--- SEASHORE AND SALTMARSH BIRDS Walton on the Naze - Sunday 15th October 1978 Over 30 members travelled to Walton on what threatened to be a foggy and misty day. However, by the time that everyone had gathered at the Naze car park the weather took a turn for the better. The mist started to lift,, but there was still a threat of rain about The tide was coming and High Tide was at about 1.30 pm. The party had a walk over the Naze Common before lunch. Not many seashore birds