28. BOXING DAY RAMBLE - 26th December 1978 The day funnily enough began at Chipping Ongar police station. I hasten to add that the participants had not spent the previous evening in the police cells. It just happened to be a suitable starting point for the ramble. We followed a footpath, which took us past an old Motte and Bailey castle which had unfortunately been converted into a farm. However the moat still remained in which there were a number of ornamental ducks. Included was a very colourful male Mandarin duck (Aix galericulata ). Fr om here we wandered down to the River Roding which we crossed via a footbridge. It was noted by many members of the party that the river was somewhat higher than is usual for the time of the year, due to the heavy rain of the previous few weeks. The scenery of the walk was very much dominated by rough arable farmland, on which flocks of Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) and Black headed gulls (Larus ridibundus) were feeding. The route then took us through a very large farm which we later learnt was owned by the Co-operative Society. It was interesting to see that the farmer had taken a number of preventative measures in order to get the best from the land - rabbit proof fencing etc. After we passed through the farm, we continued along a footpath which took us across a disused World War II airfield, where we flushed