1. BOBRON'S EDITORIAL We were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. E. F. Williams, on 21st July, one of our Vice Presidents and long standing member of the Club. A full obituary will hopefully appear later in The Naturalist. On a more cheerful note, congratulations to our Meetings Secretary. She is now Mrs Peggy King and we wish her and husband Stephen every happiness. Please note there is no Meetings Programme Card. The next few meetings are set out on the attached sheet and we will be producing a card for the complete Centenary Year which will be with you before Christmas. Lastly, we regretfully are retiring with this issue. Ron Allen will be moving to Sussex after Christmas and Bob Cowlin hopes to be buying a dila- pidated house soon which will need lots of work. We have enjoyed five and a half years at it and hope somebody else may volunteer. In the meantime, please send on copy for the next issue to the same address. END OF BOBRON PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Interesting Bird Reports 2 Forest Under Snow by Eric Hooper 3 Hawkmoths of a West Essex Garden by J. Fielding 7 Thames Sailing Barge "Dawn" 9 Mill Green Common by Ron Allen & Mary Grainger 14 Reports of Club Meetings 18 Forthcoming Meetings Summary ---oOo---