12. ESSEX ROOK SURVEY Are rooks on the decline? How has Dutch Elm Disease affected them? Please help with this Field Club survey. When you see a rookery, just note down approximately wheer (six figure grid reference or sufficient description to get one), the number of nests, the date and the species of tree being nested in, if you can identify it. In due course please send all records to Michael Parker, 14 Ridgeway, Ingatestone Essex. ESSEX FIELD CLUB EXHIBITION at the Passmore Edwards Museum A special exhibition is being put on in the Passmore Edwards, to celebrate our forth- coming Centenary. It will be on from 25th January to 22nd March 1980, and we hope you will come along to see it. Here is a quota- tion from the Museum's advertising brochure: "A chance meeting between Professor Raphael Meldola, W. J. Argent and William Cole in Epping Forest in 1869 is traditionally the