19. colony of gorillas in the world. The design of the enclosures, together with the rapport shown between the staff and these animals, is indeed pleasing to see. In the last few months several young have been born. A donation was recently made to the Fauna Pre- servation Society Gorilla Fund to aid the preservation of the mountain gorillas in Rwanda. We all thoroughly enjoyed our day out. SUE NASH ---oOo--- GENERAL MEETING No. 1245 EPPING LOWER FOREST - 22nd APRIL 1979 53 members and friends met at North Weald Station. On arrival at the Coopersale Road we were greeted by the songs of Nuthatch, a Marsh Tit - sounding like a Great Tit - Blue Tits and Coal Tits. The large group split up into three groups, each proceeding in different directions. The weather was fine but overcast and cloudy with a few bursts of sunshine. During our walk into the Forest we were soon able to hear Chiff Chaff and Willow Warbler quite distinctly. Very soon we had all heard again most of the Tit family, except for Long Tailed and the Willow Tit. One group were fortunate in being able to hear their first Black Cap. One bird that gave its wide range of calls was the Nuthatch and every member would have heard these wood- land tree birds. Tree Creepers were seen and the Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers were heard but not seen. At one end of the Lower