21. Yellow Wagtail, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Gold- finch, Moorhen and a Mute Swan sitting on her nest were all seen or heard. It was unfor- tunate that very few Warblers were either seen or heard. However two groups located either Willow Warbler or Chiff Chaff in a Willow Tree near the Sea Wall. If only the birds had sung identification would have been easier! After a break for lunch we went along the sea wall and were able to record Curlew (two only), Oyster Catcher, Red Shank (displaying), Dunlin Turnstone (only one or two), a number of Meadow Pipits giving their distinctive song and display flight. A Corn Bunting and Reed Bunting were also seen during the after- noon. Near East Mersea and on the Island there are two large Rookeries and it is hoped that one of the members will have been able to record these Rookeries. Amongst other interesting records were Shell Duck, Cormorant, Kestrel, Swallows (first records for some), a Blackbird with fledged young. A few Hares were also seen in a meadow near the Sea Wall. At the end of the Meeting a count was made of the species seen or heard and this was 41 - an excellent total for a very rewarding meeting held on a perfect Spring day . M. T. PARKER