23. in a cottage garden. At the end of a very successful meeting it was noted that 23 different birds had been seen or heard. Two birds one would have expected to see were not present - Black Cap and Garden Warbler. M. T. PARKER ---oOo--- SOUTH WEALD PARK - 15th JULY 1979 36 members and friends assembled in Rochetts car park on a fine but overcast morning which soon turned to sunshine for the rest of the day. Two parties were formed and both were soon able to watch Goldfinches and hear their song. During the morning one group watched and heard four male Reed Buntings singing from perches in small trees. Both groups were also rewarded with the song of a Tree Pipit, and one group were able to see the distinc- tive flight display. Chiff Chaffs were singing in one part of the park and a Black Cap and Common Whitethroat were also heard. Both groups saw a small group of Spotted Flycatchers near the stream of the lake. We were able to watch these birds catching "flies" very clearly. Other interesting observations were six Black Headed Gulls perched on the dead branches of tall Oak trees. A rather un- usual place to see Gulls. Nearby were Tree Sparrows and we were able to compare their chirp with that of the House Sparrow. One group had four sightings of Kestrels, one sighting being near to the car park, and