2 PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Did you know that Hedgehogs Whistled? by Ian McGlenagham Illustrations - by Nancy Bath The Dawn Chorus 1952 - 1979 (1966 omitted) by Michael Parker London Plane Trees - by Florence Caldwell Forests in Minature - by Stephen Mynard The Birds of Feering Marsh * by Ian P. Misselbrook Flower & Bird Quiz - by Judith Boniface 100 th Anniversary Meeting:- 1. 100 Years of Essex Mammals ** by David Corke 2. Botanical Recording in Essex by Kenneth Adams 3. Some Ornithological Observations since 1960 by Michael Parker 4. The Gravels of Eastern Essex by David Bridgeland Report of the Ornithology Group 1979 by Martin Henry Book Reviews - by Tony Boniface * Illustrations by Mrs. F.G. Harvey ** Illustration by Rachael Barfoot