6 thoughts were that I had neuer heard a bird song like that before. U/hat could it be? Was it in fact a bird? I listened for the more familiar early bird, the blackbird, but could hear none so the dawn chorus had not even started, so it could not be a bird. I then remembered the whistle of the young hedgehog I had heard two mornings before, but that was faint and the hedgehogs were fifty feet away from the back of the house and I was in bed in the front of the house. Could it be that the babies were calling to their mother? I slipped out of bed, pulled some clothes on over my pyjamas and went out to investigate - camera in hand. Sure enough when I got to the cold frame I could hear the whistle coming loudly from it and also the rapid padding of small feet as the babies ran around their prison trying to find a way out. Nearby I heard a rustle in the long grass An adult appeared, climbed on to the brick edge of the cold frame and looked down at the calling babies below. She ran very agitated along the edge, stopped and looked again. It was then that I found how difficult it was to focus a camera in the dark. The adult, having explored the length of the frame, retraced her steps and went behind the frame as if to see if there were any other ways of getting at the babies. She totally ignored me crouching beside the frame and passed within two feet of me, but when she returned from behind the cold frame the camera flash, from about six feet away frightened her and she turned round and disappeared through a hole in the fence into the neighbour's garden. I lifted the babies out to freedom again. Dawn had broken and I returned to bed.