8 as it is now. This wood consists mainly of Oak, Silver Birch Hornbeam with some open clearings. The first set of records are worth recording in their entirety so that they can be compared to the records for 1979. The times refer to when a bird was first heard. It was quite an experience both for myself and for those who attended in 1952 to hear a Nightingale and a Nightjar, also for us to be able to note that by 0400 hrs the Chorus had reached its peak. The Chorus was dominated by Robin, Black- bird and Songthrush and at about 0420 hrs, when the light was more intense, it was noticed that smaller birds, such as Warbler and Tits began to "wake-up", whilst the "first riser" song had started to die back. This pattern proved to be a feature of the Dawn Chorus as was to be confirmed in future years. As soon as the Sun was up and had been shining for a while the Chorus became very much less in intensity. Rather than give all the details of subsequent recordings it is felt that a few notes would now be of some value. I have therefore divided the account into the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's, pointing out some of the more important features. The Dawn Chorus in 1950's 1. 1952, 1953, 1956 These are the only years in which Night- ingales have been heard and have never been heard since; the reason being, either (a) lack of suitable habitat (b) disturbance (c) perhaps the Nightingale was already decreasing as an inland migrant in Essex. 2. 1954 to 1959 The first bird heard was a Redstart. Probably in 1952 and 1953 this was present and had been recorded as a Robin. Two Volunteers went back later on 16th May 1954 and confirmed the presence of Redstarts. Hartswood provides an ideal habitat for Redstarts with its many old Hornbeam trees. 3. 1952, 1956, 1959 The nightjar was heard in these years, and in these years could also be heard in Thorndon Park. 4. Throughout the 1950'3 The Redstart, Robin, Songthrush, Blackbird and Cuckoo dominated the first part of the Chorus, whilst Willow Warblers, Common Whitethroat, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Chiff Chaff, Blue Tit, Great Tit, and Chaffinch formed the main participants of the "late risers"