SUMMARY: 11 Daun Chorus Recordings haue been made since 1952 until 1979 (1966 Recordings not available). There has been a noticeable drop in the number of species recorded:- 1952(19), 1979 (7). The volume of the Chorus is considerably less. The pattern of the Chorus remains very similar being domonated by Robin, Song Thrush and Blackbird in the early stages. There has been a noticeable drop in the number of Warblers and smaller birds, such as Chaffinch and Wren, these birds being "late risers". The Nightingale ceased to be heard after 1956. The Redstart has not been heard since 1971. MICHAEL PARKER Ref: ESSEX NATURALIST 1960 Vol 30 Part 4 The Daun Chorus in Essex 1932 - 1959 1962 Vol 31 Part 1 The Daun Chorus in Essex 1960 - 1961 ---oOo--- LONDON PLANE TREES Among the roadside trees fringing the streets in our town of Upminster are three very large specimens of the London Plane. They are mature trees, probably older than the surrounding houses, the estate hauing been developed from farm-land in 1938. From their shape I assume they were pollarded many years ago, as is still the custom in some London Streets, but now the upper branches radiating from the trunk are stout and strong, all three trees being magnificent specimens. During the late summer of 1979, I noticed large chunks of bark lying on the ground beneath one of these trees,