18 Herons are sometimes seen fishing by the rivers edge, tufted duck and pochard have appeared on the marsh and an occasional flash of colour denotes the passing of a Kingfisher. In winter, the river often bursts its banks and as the water recedes it leaves much food of interest to blackheaded gulls, rooks, jackdaws, starlings finches and sparrows. Fieldfares, Redwings and Mistle thrushes chatter in the hedges through- out the short winter days and at night the hunting cries of tawny owls can be heard. Dawn visits have often prod- uced the ghostly form of a barn owl which hunts in the marsh and roosts in a Dutch barn in the village. The bird population in 1979 remained much the same as that outlined above with the addition of the corn bunting which finally nested. A grasshopper warbler could be heard reel ing, but its territory was actually half a mile up river in a plantation of young fir trees