38 BOOK REVIEWS THE SECRET LORE OF PLANTS AND FLOWERS ERIC MAPLE HALE £7.25 Eric Maple spent his early years on the marshland fringes of the Essex Coast. The main interest shown in his books is folklore and witchcraft and he has lectured on these topics. This volume will appeal to those who want to learn some unusual information about plants although the more scientific readers should look elsewhere. For instance, did you know that the dream meaning of a tulip is a secret romance, or that of gorse is an opportunity is coming your way. If you giue flowers to people who are alive enough to appreciate them, then choose carefully with the help of the flower language explained in this book. The myths and legends associated with common plants are described as ere many of our flower festivals. Finally, if you want to create an authentic magic garden to attract favourable psychic forces on the one hand and resistance to encroachments of evil spirits on the other, then consult this book. I enjoyed browsing through these pages, although I must admit that I would not haue bought it. ---oOo--- TREES IN EPPING FOREST BERNARD WARD CORPORATION OF LONDON Far more to my taste is this little booklet. The proceeds from its sale will go to the Epping Forest Centenary Trust. It will certainly assist a visitor to the Forest to obtain a better understanding of its history, management and the trees it contains. It is not an identification guide, but I found much of interest in its twelve pages. TONY BONIFACE