39 WALTON ON NAZE 2nd September. 1979 Fifty members and friends arrived at the Naze Car Park about 11.30 a.m. The day started off rather dull and there had been some overnight rain, however, the rest of the day proved to be fresh, and the sun was shining for the whole of the meeting. Two parties were made up, and as the Tide was going out we made our way along the cliff watching out for Waders and other small birds in the Cliff side. Soon all were watching Goldfinch, Linnets, Meadow Pipit and Sand Martins. We were even fortunate in being able to see Sand Martins at close quarters, and to be able to compare them with House Martins. Later on in the morning some Swifts were seen - by now most of the Swifts would normally have migrated. Along the shore we were able to see various Gulls, shewing various stages of plumage. A good sighting of a Great Black Backed Gull was made, and we were able to see the difference between it and the Lesser Black Back. Waders had to be looked for, but both parties, by the end of the meeting, had seen Sanderling - very rarely missed at Walton - Oyster Catcher, Ring Plover, Red Shank and also a small party of Knot. A Ring Plover with chick was also seen. Near the Essex Naturalist Trust Reserve a Whinchat and Wheatear were seen. The white rump of the Wheatear and eye stripe of the Winchat confirmed their identification. One group had a sighting of 4 Kestrels, and also a suspected Wood Warbler. The meeting ended about 4.00 p.m., and is to be remembered for the large numbers of Goldfinch and Linnets which seemed to be present in large numbers amongst the shrubs and gorse on the Naze. At the end of the meeting 34 Birds had been recorded, a good total for such a successful and enjoyable meeting. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---