40 TOLLESBURY 14th October, 1979 Ouer 30 members and friends met in the Car Park at 11.00 a.m. Two parties were made up and on the way to Shingle Point many Skylarks, two Swallows, Meadow Pipits and Goldfinches were seen. It was not long before the first Waders were seen as the Tide was nearly low by 12.30 p.m. On the mud, members were able to compare Curlew, Bartailed Godwit, Redshank, Grey Plover and Dunlin for size. These Waders appeared in most parts of the Mud flats. Lunch was taken in warm sunshine very near to Shingle Point, and during this time a call "Snow Bunting" was passed on to all present. Amongst a group of Skylarks, and Meadow Pipits, the Snow Bunting was quite distinct. This was the first time the Club had seen this Bird on any of our meetings. The Meeting ended at 3.30 p.m. and 24 birds had been seen, a good total for such and enjoyable and rewarding meeting. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---