41 MANNINGTREE AND RIVER STOUR 28th October, 1979 The Field Club last met at Manningtree on the 16th October 1977 in rather similar weather to this meeting. Thirty five members arriued by Car at Manningtree Station at 11.30 a.m. on a cold, but to start with, a bright sunny morning. The morning session included a walk as far as the barrage near Flatford Will. During this walk few birds were seen. However, all were able to see Red Legged Partridge, Black Headed Gulls, and a number of Reed Buntings, Bullfinch and Greenfinch. Lunch was taken in the shelter of the barrage, and after lunch one group were very fortunate in being able to see a Green Woodpecker nearby. The party made its way to Cattawade along the Sea Wall and we were lucky in hauing three sitings of Kingfisher. We also saw a number of Redshank and six Little Grebe on the riuer. On a mud island we debated the identity of a wader, which finally turned out to be a single Turnstone. Other birds recorded were Lapwing, Cormorant, Heron, and at least three Kestrel sightings. A number of late swallows and House Martins were also seen. One member reported that he had seen some Redwings. Before returning to the Station, by way of the Main Road, some members were lucky in being able to collect some fine specimens of the Fungus Lepiota procera - certainly enough to provide a suitable addition to breakfast. At the end of the meeting at 3.15 p.m. 34 birds had been seen or heard. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---