42 GOLDHANGER 23rd March, 1980 The first Field Meeting of the Centenary Year was held on the sea wall and was attended by 40 members - this was an excellent attendance for what proved to be a very enjoyable meeting. The sun shone all day, there was a very strong easterly wind and we were able to lunch in the shelter of the sea wall. From the start we were all able to see and hear Skylarks and watch Meadow Pipits displaying and giving their flight song. At the start the tide was very nearly low so waders were difficult to see at near range; however, a considerable number of Brent Geese were seen. One group came up off the saltings and landed in a large field and were watched feeding. Members did try to count them and estimated varied from 300, 400, 450 up to 1,500, thus indicating how difficult it is to estimate numbers on the ground. Redshanks, Shellduck, Oyster Catchers, Dunlin, Grey Plover, Ring Plover, Turnstone and Lapwings were all seen on the saltings. During the lunch break about 30 Tree Sparrows very obligingly came to rest in some shrubs together with a few House Sparrows, this enabled members to distinguish these species. At the end of a very enjoyable meeting 32 different birds had been heard or seen. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---