45 WALTON ON NAZE 27th April, 1980 Twenty members attended this meeting on a fine and sunny day. It was warm enough for members to haue their lunch on the sea wall facing the Essex Naturalist Trust Reserve. The tide was also on the way out or on the change by lunchtime. The morning session was spent searching the scrub and gorse bushes of the Naze common. We had expected to hear some warblers, but we were not very lucky, however, a Lesser Whitethroat put in an appearance and all were able to hear it, if not see it. Swallows and numerous Sand Martins were observed. Good views of Linnet, Yellow Hammer, Skylark and Meadow Pipits were recorded. As the Tide receded, a number of interesting waders were seen - Sanderling, some in partial breeding plumage, Dunlin in Breeding plumage, Turnstone, Redshank, Shell Duck, Oyster Catcher. A single Whimbrel flew over and gave its distinctive single call notes. Along the shingle Ringed Plover were seen, as were a small number of Little Terns over the water's edge. A Sedge Warbler was seen and heard in the Reserve, and some debated as to whether they had seen a Red Backed Shrike - a puzzle to all - and this bird remained unidentified. At the end of the day 42 species had been seen or heard. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---