46 COASTAL ECOLOGY FIELD TRIP - Botany Group Colne Point (27.4.80) The small number of Field Club members was swelled by a group from the Colchester Natural History Society and left the Priory at 11.15 a.m. to enjoy a perfect summer's day. Although the group concentrated on botanical subjects, inevitably we found many other interesting aspects at Colne Point. As anticipated, many of the coastal annuals were just emerging and thus the variety of Attriplex sp. present on the reserve were not identified. We found good stands of henbane (Hyoscyanus niger) and yellow- horned poppy (Glaucium flarum) as well as the typical shingle ridge plants like sea campion (Silene maritima) and shrubby seablight(Suaeda fruticosa). While searching amongst the poppy plants we found two ringed plover nests (l egg, 4 eggs). On the dry Saltmarsh areas Rock Sea Lavender (Limonium binervosom) Sea wormwood (Artemisia Maritima), Sea heath (Frankenia laevis)and Danish Scurvy- grass (Cochlearia danica) were found. A small patch of sea Pearlwort (Sagina maritima) was found. Jermyn in 'Flora of Essex' lists this plant as 'very rare'; the only other recorded site in Essex is Walton. During our long treck to Sandy Point (the northern tip of the reserve) we saw a good variety of waders including curlew, both blacktailed and bartailed godwits, Sanderling turnstone, grey plover in full summer plumage in addition to the large numbers of oystercatchers, ringed plover, dunlin and redshank. Towards the end of the day we under- took a brief excursion over the sanddunes we found extensive areas colonised by sea sandworts (Honkenya peploides), sea holly (Eryngium maritimum) and sea bindweed (Calystegia soldanella), although it was too early in the season to see the plants at their best. While walking over the dune area, the spider Arctosa perita was in obvious abundance and several common lizards were seen. We also found Rock sapphire (Crithmum maritimum) and, much to the Warden's delight a second year plant of sea kale (Crombe maritima) was located. Throughout the day, little terns were seen fishing on the reserve and despite the group leader's attempt to starve the party, everybody survived. BOB HIDER