47 THE LOWER FOREST, EPPING 4th Way. 1980 Ouer 40 members attended this meeting on a fine sunny day - a day to be remembered for the songs of Black Caps. These migrants were heard in most parts of this interesting part of Epping Forest. At the start of the meeting two groups were very fortunate in hearing a Garden Warbler and also seeing it. Greenfinch seemed to be present in most parts feeding on the ground; chaffinches were also in full song. Other migrants seen and heard were Chiff Chaff, Willow Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat. A visit was made to the North East corner of Wintry Wood where there is a well established Rookery, this contains well ouer 100 nests and appears to haue a stable population as compared to 1979. Some members were rewarded in hearing their first Cuckoo, and others heard Nuthatches, but were unable to locate them. Unfortunately no Hawfinches were seen as was the case two years ago. Only a single Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard and a single Tree Creeper. Peacock and Brimstone butterflies were seen in various parts of the Forest. At the end of a very enjoyable meeting 25 birds had been seen or heard. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---