48 GENERAL MEETING 1261 MILL GREEN AND HIGHWOODS, FRYERNING 18th May, 1980 Over 50 members and friends came to the Car Park opposite The Viper at 10.00 a.m. It was already sunny and fine for this meeting and so it continued to be for the rest of the day. It was not long before the two groups were listening to Garden Warblers and Black Caps on opposite sides of the road. This enabled some members to distinguish these songs. A little further along the road by a signpost 'Public Bridleway' a Tree Pipit was singing in an Oak Tree, whilst on the other side of the road a Common Whitethroat obligingly sang. During the morning session Willow Warbler and Chiff Chaff were heard, and in some cases seen. A short stop by Ellis Wood to listen for Nightingales once again confirmed that these birds had failed to turn up for the second year. However, there were quite a number of Redpolls in the Silver Birch and members were being continually reminded of their distinctive "twittering" call in flight. A single Spotted Flycatcher was observed by one group. The Song Thrush, Chaffinch, Wren, Blackbird all made their presence felt, whilst on our way back for lunch the "yaffle" of the Green Woodpecker was heard, as was the drumming of the Great Spotted Woodpecker. After lunch was taken around the twenty cars that filled the Car Park, Woods adjoining the South side of Mill Green Common were explored, the result being an addition of five more birds including a single Reed Bunting and the Lesser Whitethroat. Unfortunately, the Common has been stripped of its Gorse bushes and Silver Birch for the supposed formation of a Cricket Club (the less said about this the better). Later on in the afternoon the distinctive "peep-peep-peep" of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was heard. Brimstone and Orange Tip butterflies were seen in various