49 parts of the Common and woodlands. A specimen of Midland Hawthorn was shown to members at teatime. Thirty one members sat down to an excellent and well- deserved tea in the Parish Room, Fryerning, when the business part of the meeting took place. At the end of the meeting it was reported that 44 species had been seen or heard - with a bit of luck this could easily haue reached half a century!! A magnificent total for what proved to be one of the best meetings held at Mill Green for many years, in spite of there being no Nightingales. Nr. D.A. Smith, our Diptera Recorder also attended this meeting and informs us that Saromyza hyalinata, a fly, was taken on the Common, this Fly is known only in Scotland and the New forest. This is, therefore, a very interesting record. A list of Diptera and other insects is now with our Recorder. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---