50 CURTIS WILL GREEN 22nd June, 1980 In spite of the meeting hauing to be curtailed finally at about 2.30 p.m. because of heavy rain, 23 members attended and were able to enjoy a walk around the perimeter of the Woods. On arrival members were able to see a Reed Bunting and also hear and see a Lesser Whitethroat, very near to where the cars were parked. It was good to be able to hear the Garden Warbler, also Blackcap so that their songs could be compared. One or two members have remarked that 1980 is a good year for Garden Warblers. Also recorded were Willow Warblers, Chiff Chaff, and whilst listening to a Willow Warbler members heard a very unfamiliar call. Some diligent searching by one member discovered that the call was of a young Song Thrush. During the morning walk, a Greater Spotted Woodpecker was heard, but not seen. Red Polls, Yellow Hammer, Linnet, Skylark, Cuckoo, Turtle Dove, Chiff Chaff, Greenfinch and Bullfinch were all seen or heard. In one part of the wood a number of Tree Sparrows were seen. In the afternoon a walk was started along the River in the hope of hearing Sedge and Reed Warblers, but without luck. Heavy rain caused the remainder of the walk to be cancelled. At the end of the meeting 39 different species had been seen or heard. M.T. PARKER ---oOo---