OBITUARY 51 E.F. WILLIAMS 1901 - 1979 Fred Williams died on 21st 3uly, 1979, and the Club lost a most valued member and elder statesman. He joined the Club in 1948 and served as President from 1959 to 1961. He was an outstanding President both in the Club generally and as Chairman at Council Meetings. The policy of forming specialist groups was implemented gradually at this time and the appointment of recorders extended. Fred was a fine amateur entomologist who specialised in Lepidoptera. He was a great lover of Essex and its countryside. Over the years he had assembled a fine library extending over all his interests and this facilitated the identification of specimens submitted to him in his capacity of recorder for Lepidoptera. When Skippers' Island, near Thorpe-le-Soken, came on to the market, Fred and his brother Rowley bought it. They generously made it available to the Club. Many enjoyable Club meetings were held on it and individual members were allowed to use it for research and for pleasure. Subseq- uently, when increasing age and infirmity meant that it was impossible for them to enjoy, look after and maintain the Island, they gave it to the Essex Naturalists' Trust. Skippers Island will thus be preserved in its wild state for future generations. Subsequent presidents have had cause to be grateful to Fred for wise and kindly advice on the many and varied problems which arose in the Club's affairs. Appreciation of Fred's other activities will be recorded elsewhere. He was a busy Underwriter at Lloyds, yet was willing to devote time to many voluntary activities - amongst others the Essex Field Club. He will be sadly missed by many. ---oOo---