7 Grass Snake (Natrix natrix) This reptile is fairly common in marshy areas where ponds and rivers occur and where its food of amphibians or fish may be caught. It sometimes sets up home by garden ponds and will fish out small goldfish etc. When seen the first features to catch the eye are the yellow patches behind its head and the colour is generally olive green. The grass snake loves the sun and will bask early in the day after feeding. I have also seen one ten feet up a small tree in Epping Forest trying to catch the last rays of sunshine as the sun dipped behind the tall trees. In the last two years the grass snake has been recorded from Fingringhoe Wick Reserve, Margaretting, Epping Forest, North Stifford, Broxbourne Country Park, Waltham Abbey and Broxted. Thank you again to those who have sent in records of Amphibians or Reptiles and please keep sending more. I am always pleased to answer queries relating to these animals and dead specimens could always be sent if identification is dubious. D.R. Scott, Court Hill, Church Lane, Little Leighs, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 1PG Tel: Great Leighs 475 AMPHIBIANS SURVEY: LONDON BOROUGHS OF BARKING, NEWHAM. REDBRIDGE AND WALTHAM FOREST The Staff of the Passmore Edwards Museum would like to obtain the following information from members of the public: 1. Have they any Progs, toads or newts in their gardens? 2. The address of their gardens? Does it have a Pond?