12 is Soils in Essex IV (Tendring district, TM12) and in preparation, Soils in Essex V (Halstead district, TL83). Information on other publications dealing with the soils of England and Wales may be had from the Soil Survey at the above address. "The Sand and Gravel Resources of the Country between Hatfield Heath and Great Waltham, Essex" Description of 1S25000 sheets TL51/61. By R.J. Marks, being Mineral Assessment Report No. 52 produced by the Institute of Geological Sciences. H.M.S.O. 1980 The map depicts the extent of sand and gravel over this large area of central Essex. Of particular interest to Members is that the base map at 1:25000 depicts the geology in great detail and shows field boundaries, making this an excellent map for botanical field studies of plant dis- tribution and geology. The explanatory book has detailed descriptions of the geology and in particular the character of the sands and gravels. The Report should be available through the County Library Service. RON ALLEN THE NIGHTINGALE AND ITS SONG Few bird watchers can have heard and not been moved by the song of a nightingale. Listening to those powerful notes in the dead of a warm May night leaves an unfor getable memory. But although I have known the song for longer, it was as recently as 1976 that I first heard birds singing in the wild. Then, as part of the national nightingale census sponsored by the BTO, a friend and I surveyed many square miles of the mid-Sussex countryside, bumping along narrow lanes in the early hours of the morning in an