23 "BY THEIR ROOTS YE SHALL KNOW THEM" Wild plants are so commonly known to us as wild flowers that the well-loved volumes we consult to refresh our memories of them are invariably Flora. To find any reference to roots is the exception rather than the rule. Yet down in the basement is not only the mechanism which does so much to ensure survival at all, but also the structure which lends a great deal to the character of the plant as we come to terms with it. As recalled, my own earlier encounters with a matter of such radical importance were whenever the weekend joint happened to be sirloin of beef, and my father provided the spade and fork needed to root up a fine rich yellow shaft to be converted to horseradish sauce. Some four decades later I found myself a member of a small group engaged in the study of Cotswold grassland ecology, and one hot August afternoon on a steep limestone down near Cirencester, we each pursued our allotted tasks. After casting a twelve-inch quadrat one hundred times in order to record the capture of Stemless Thistles, I finished up with the lowest score recorded to date at the Royal Agricultural College. I concluded that a far more success- ful method would have been to sit down a hundred times, when the score, like myself, would have risen dramatically to say the least. However, the main study of the day concerned roots, and while more accomplished students about me were minutely delving into the subterranean secrets of that crafty semi-parasite Bastard Toadflax - secrets that were revealed later to all, in the lab, through the electron microscope - I perspired freely in my laborious attempts to unearth the root structure of Common Gorse from the pocket of leached acid soil whence it sprang, downwards through the maze of jumbled lumps of Jurassic Limestone, to finish up in depths no doubt undisturbed to this day. Making good the landscape was just as difficult, but I still have my surprisingly honest scale drawing whose authenticity I shall defend to the last scrape of earth. The back garden is where roots become a serious preoccupation, for amongst one's tried and trusted friends lurk intruders whose root systems boast every imaginable trick in the