31 worms, all adult and in good condition. During this find Colonel and Mrs. Upton arriued to meet the party and thanks were expressed for their kindness and help during the day. D.R. SCOTT ---oOo--- MAMMAL GROUP MEETING IN N.W. ESSEX 7th SEPTEMBER. 1980 The Meeting began at 4p.m. under clear skies and a hot sun. First stop was a Forestry Commission wood near Debden which suffered from considerable forestry activity during last winter. As we moved along the rides numerous tracks of fallow and muntjac were found in spite of the dry conditions underfoot. Tea was taken in the wood at a good vantage point from where a muntjac was observed grazing on the edge of one ride and a fallow fawn was seen to cross a ride. Considering the time of day and the number of people present in the wood, doubtless persuaded out by the weather, this was more than expected. We then drove to more Commission woods near Radwinter and saw red deer tracks and droppings on a field of sugar beet. We settled down on the edge of the field to await dusk and the more serious deerwatching. Our patience was rewarded by the sight of three red hinds crossing the adjacent field and silhouetted against the sunset. It was a pity no Club members were present to share the experience and delight of seeing three species of deer living wild in one of the most attractive parts of the County. B.D. EASTCOTT