32 DEER COUNTS AT SOUTH WEALD Donald Chapman hopes to continue his deer counts at Bennett's Farm (TQ 570937) providing that construction of the M25 has not begun. The date is 22nd MARCH, 1981, at 9,45 A.M. Anybody who wants to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to see deer should check with Donald Chapman a week beforehand to find out if roadworks have begun. (Telephone No. Mildenhall 712162). THE EDITOR ---oOo--- THE RIUER STOUR AT WRABNESS 21st September, 1980 Twenty-five members enjoyed on a fine Autumn day as good a day's estuarine bird watching as one could wish fort- good light, the sun on our backs, and the tide on the ebb and literally thousands of waders and wildfowl. On the river were huge rafts of moulting wigeon with only slightly fewer numbers of mallard and shelduck. 50-70 cormorants was exceptional, and there were also a few great crested grebes. On the muddy foreshore, were all the common species of wader in good numbers:- dunlin, redshank, grey plover, ringed plover, curlew, turnstone, oyster catcher, green- shank, and the most beautiful sight of all, a closely bunched feeding flock of 200 black tailed godwits. 41 species were seen altogether in a very good day's birdwatching. M.D. HENRY