33 WALTON ON THE NAZE 19th October, 1980 Thirty-five members assembled at the Naze Car Park, on a dull cold morning. It was fortunate for us all that it was at least dry, but with the threat of rain in the air. The party was split into two and proceeded along the paths on the Naze rather than keeping to the cliffs on the seaward side because the tide was on the change. It was not long before we had seen a Snipe in flight, a Goldcrest, Skylarks and a few Meadow Pipits. One group were lucky in reporting having seen a Redwing, and possibly a Blackcap. Very soon the tide started to go out and we were rewarded with sightings of a number of interesting waders. These were numerous - Grey Plover, including one in Summer plumage, a few Sanderling (always present at Walton), Ring Plover, Curlew, Oyster Catcher, Turnstone, Redshank and a Dunlin. One group were able to observe the Dunlin at close range and to see that a Dunlin has a down-curved beak. Lunch was taken in the shelter of the sea wall, but the afternoon session was ruined by persistent driving rain so t he groups made a hasty return to the cars. At the end of the meeting it was reported that 25 species had been seen. MICHAEL T. PARKER