34 100TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER HELD AT THE LION AND LAMB, CHELMSFORD ON 23RD OCTOBER, 1980 The decision to hold a dinner to celebrate the foundation of the Club was taken by the Council of the Club without a precedent for this kind of function. They need not have worried, for the response from members and friends was most gratifying. About 80 people attended the dinner and guests included Mr. & Mrs. George Cansdale, Mr. & Mrs. Ian Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Tim Tildesley and Mr. & Mrs. V. Robson The main part of the evening was preceded by a sherry reception at which a small exhibition relating to the history of the Club mounted by the Staff of the Passmore Edwards' Museum was on view. Following a most satisfactory meal, those present were entertained by a speech from the principal guest, Mr. George Cansdale, who referred to amusing events he had experienced during his varied career, including the escape of a highly poisonous snake whilst he was Director at London Zoo. He concluded by proposing the health of the Club. Replying on behalf of the Club, the President thanked Mr. Cansdale for coming to help those present to celebrate a hundred years existence of the Club. He felt sure that the ideals of education and research in Natural History proposed by the first President, Professor Raphael Meldola, in his inaugural address had been achieved and looked forward to the next hundred years - a sentiment applauded by the assembled company. ANDREW SNELLING