35 ABBERTON RESERVOIR 2nd November. 1980 Ouer 30 members braved a bitterly strong East wind on the two causeways of the Abberton Reservoir,, The only consol- ation was that the sun shone brilliantly all day. The meeting started at 10.00 a.m. and we were able to see large numbers of Great Crested Grebe, probably over 100, large numbers of Pochard, characterised by their grey backs and brown heads,, Coots were also present in large numbers, which certainly came to over 100© A few Shovelers were also seen at quite close range. One group saw a Common Gull, amongst some Black Headed Gulls, and were able to see the colour of its legs distinctly A Kestral obligingly hovered nearby at one end of the causeway near to some Grey-lag Geese - these Geese appear to be permanent residents. After about one hour of the biting cold wind the party made their way to the large Bird Hide and it was noticed that what birds there were had taken refuge on the underside of a large raft. After lunch it was decided to terminate the meeting; a meeting to be remembered for the large numbers of Grebe, and the extreme cold wind! MICHAEL T. PARKER ---oOo--- DR. ALEX DAVIDSON Members will be distressed to learn of the death of Alex Davidson on 2nd November, 1980. Alex was a member of the Club until his retirement to Oxford and will be remembered for his wide-ranging interests which included Geology and his work on Red Squirrels. Following his retirement from General Practice, he joined St. John's College, Oxford, from where he took a classics degree and was awarded a B.A. a year before his death. His learning and humour will be sadly missed by his many friends.