1 EDITORIAL Since our last issue I have to report a number of changes in the club. Our President, Andrew Snelling, has been promoted to a new position in Macclesfield and, con- sequently, has had to resign. The council would like to record their thanks to him for his long service to the club as secretary, treasurer and, finally, as President. I have been asked to become the new President, a position which I am honoured to accept. I am remaining bulletin editor but Mike Parker has taken over the responsibilities of member- ship secretary, so please take note of the new address to send your subscriptions. It is with regret that council has had to decide to increase the subscription rates as explained by the treasurer at the back of this issue. I am sure that if you look back at the Essex Naturalists and the bulletins that you have been sent, you will still consider that the extra subscription is well worth while. The new programme offers a wide range of venues to visit and new opportunities to learn more about Essex wild life. I look forward to meeting you next year. Tony Boniface. Information from General Secretary: Mrs. L. Dark, 74, Warescot Road, Brentwood, Essex, Tel: Brentwood 214797