17 rewarded with the sight of the first few flowers of lesser celandine and dogs mercury. Sheep with their lambs grazed peacefully behind the hedge although a newly-filled gap strewn with pieces of wool showed where one opportunist had escaped on to the road. At the farm some hens pecked the ground quite unconcerned at my approach. Three proud cockerels watched, me, their green tail feathers moving in the gentle breeze and their red wattles showing up brightly against their chestnut feathers. The farm buildings included an odd hexagonal building which I thought might once have been a dovecot. Cattle mooed mournfully from inside the big barn where new nests of straw poked out ' from under the eaves. I reached the pub., unfortunately closed, and sat outside on one of their wooden seats where a young friendly black cat was delighted to greet me. A group of cows bellowed their insistence it was milking time, the peace was further shattered by a flock of bantams squabbling, half a dozen geese added their hooting to the din and the farm dog noisily chased the bantams back to the farmyard. Soon my chauffeur returned and together we watched the geese enjoy their ablutions in the pond by the farmyard gate. We left this noisy country scene, homeward bound for tea well refreshed by our springtime ramble. Florence Caldwell. Answers to Flower and Bird Quiz. By Judith Boniface The best entry to my quiz was submitted by Mrs. Ruth Phillips to whom the Club is sending a £4 book token. The answers I expected are given below:- 1. Listen to the cereal. Wheatear. 2. Husky measure. Chaffinch. 3. Witch doctor. Black Medick. 4. Trifling victory. Petty Whin. 5. Metallic toothpaste. Goldcrest. 6. Five slow swords. Creeping Cinquefoil. 7. Jaundiced announcer. Yellow Archangel. 8. Arnold? Ruff. 9. Inhale. Puffin. 10. Heather comes out at night. Starling. 11. It was wet underfoot. Bog Bean. 12. Connoisseur of oatmeal. Goldilocks. 13. Sweet bunch. Candytuft. 14. Poles in a line. Sparrow.