21 Sanderling stepping daintily along the foreshore with several dunlin in gorgeous chestnut and black summer plumage feeding alongside turnstone, ringed plover and oystercatchers. On our return, at least one sighting of a willow warbler brought our bird total to 37 species for the day. In between the birds we had found time to admire a comma butterfly, several peacocks and a small tortoiseshell basking in the warm sunshine, while on the sea wall there was Anthriscus caucalis, Bur Chervil, a low perennial Umbellifer which wasn't yet in flower. One of the joys of a visit to the Naze is that it gives some of us the excuse to visit other areas en route. Fingringhoe Wick hardly needs an excuse to be visited and on this occasion rewarded us by fine song from a lesser Whitethroat and several nightingales, both personal firsts for 1981. A few miles away, Abberton reservoir had lost the flocks of duck present only a few weeks before but had gained a large complement of sand martins, swallows and a fine chorus of sedge warblers singing along the southern shore (another 1981 first). Finally, although they might be accused of gilding the lily, we spotted a pair of little owls perched in an old dead elm as we left Abberton bringing our total to 59 species for a remarkable day. Chris Sherman. Amphibians - Epping Forest - April 26th 1981. A recording meeting for Amphibians was held on Sunday, 26th April, by kind permission of the Forest Conservators and with the much valued help of the Conservation Centre. Twenty members set out, each with nets loaned by the Centre, and made for Baldwins Pond. Here much dipping took place resulting in the following:- Numerous Common Toad Tadpoles Two Common Newts Two Palmate Newts Two Adult Toads near the pond Also many invertebrates including:- Wandering Snail Ramshorn Snails (Several different species) Flatworms and Leeches Caddis Fly Larvae (numerous) Great Diving Beetle (Adults and Larvae) Mayfly Larvae